How it Works
Do you have a job to fill and simply want to ensure everyone in town knows about it? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Our Job Ad Campaign includes everything you need for only $295 including:
- Squamish Job Board Post promoting your job and company on squamish-jobs.com for an 30 days.
- Social Media Ad Campaign including posts to our Facebook and Insta
gram pages plus loads of local FB groups and job boards. - Targeted Job Alert to our candidate database of over 2,800 local candidates who are seeking new opportunities.
- Bonus Job Board Inclusions such as the powerful Google Jobs and good ole Craigslist.
- Login Access to post new jobs or update existing posts as often as you want.
- Quick Apply Links so candidates can either apply directly to an email you provide or fill out a Simple Application that forwards to you.
Job Ad Campaign Regular Affordable Rate:
only $295 per month
We believe so strongly that the combination of our Job Board, Candidate Database and Social Media Campaigns are the most effective and most affordable way for all local Whistler Businesses to recruit new employees that we will give all employers who would like to try it for themselves a 2nd Job Ad Campaign for FREE!